
2012/11/12 11:30:13 来源: 海天考研

  Dolly on the dinner table?

  Don’t worry about it

  The Food and Drug Administration has declared that meat and milk from cloned animals is safe to eat, paving the way for cloned products to show up in grocery stores across the land, likely without any special labels or warnings.

  This makes sense because there is absolutely no evidence to show that there is anything unsafe about milk or meat from cloned cows, goats or pigs. (Actually, the FDA is holding off on deciding whether cloned sheep are a safe source of chops, saying not enough information is available yet.) But many of us hear the words “meat from cloned animals” and get queasy. Dolly, fairly or not, is to blame.

  Dolly, whose remains are on display at the Royal Museum of Scotland, spent her six years on earth as the object of scorn, fear, derision and slander. The media had a field day upon her birth telling us that Dolly was the key to resurrecting the dead, creating vicious clone armies and a world in which everyone would be trailed by a hapless clone whose internal organs would be available on demand to prolong lives threatened by disease or old age.

  But worse was to follow. Soon wacky cults like the Raelians and nutty scientists were hollering about cloning rich people, cult leaders, and generally unsavory types to the rapt and stupefied attention of a media unable to discern the fact that dressing in a Star Trek uniform and displaying a very bad hair dye job did not prove your bona fides as the cloner most to be feared.

  All of this nonsense took a toll. It made Americans forget that cloning is nothing more than artificially creating twins. It made us forget that every drop of wine we drink comes from cloned grapes.

  Dolly got a bad rap. And it has stuck. But the FDA is right to follow the evidence and let products from clones enter the marketplace.

  If people want these products labeled so they can choose not to buy them, that’s their right.

  But, before you decide, remember the only thing you really have to fear from cloned animals is what human beings have done to ruin their reputations!




  [真题例句]53. What can be inferred from the passage?[2000年阅读1]

  [D] A long history of success may pave the way for further development.

  [例句精译] 53. 从本文我们可推知什么?

  [D] 长期经济成功的历史可能为进一步的发展铺平道路。


  v./n. 轻蔑,藐视

  [真题例句]Few would dispute that the term applies to the Unabomber, whose manifesto, published in 1995, scorns(v.) science and longs for return to a pretechnological utopia.[1998年阅读3]

  [例句精译] 将该词(反科学)用在仇视现代文明的恐怖主义者身上,也不会引起多大争议,它在1995年公开发表蔑视科学、渴望回到前技术时代理想社会的声明。



  [真题例句]47. Misled people tend to think that using an animal in research is.[2003年阅读2]

  [C] inevitable but vicious

  [例句精译] 47被误导的人们往往认为:在研究中使用动物。

  [C] 不可避免但邪恶



  [真题例句]On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assistedsuicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying.[2002年阅读4]

  [例句精译] 另一方面,许多医疗界人士承认,致使医助自杀这场争论升温的部分原因是由于病人们的绝望情绪,对这些病人来说,现代医学延长了临终前肉体的痛苦。



  [真题例句]63. Discerned (①) from the perplexing picture of population growth the 1980 census provided, America in 1970s.[1998年阅读4]

  [B] witnessed a southwestern shift of population

  [例句精译] 63根据1980年人口统计提供的人口增长的复杂图表可以看出,美国在20世纪70年代。

  [B] 经历了人口向西南地区的迁移



  [真题例句]Indeed the quest for true artificial (①) intelligence has produced very mixed results.[2002年阅读2]

  [例句精译] 实际上对真正的人工智能的追求已经产生了各种各样的效果。

  [真题例句]The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial (②), but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition.[1997年阅读2]

  [例句精译] 很多美国人不经意表现的友好不应被看做是表面或虚假的应酬,而应该看成是文化传统历史发展的结果。








  但是更糟的事情接着来了。不久像Raelians这样的古怪教派和狂热的科学家都抱怨说,克隆富人、古怪的领导人和那些使媒体专注惊讶的通常令人讨厌的类型并不能辨别这样一个事实,即穿上Star Trek的外衣以及染上非常差的头发并不能证明你认为克隆人令人害怕是一种好意。






